Therapy for Teens (13-18)
Burlington, Oakville, Georgetown and Virtual
The teenage years can be one of the most challenging transitional periods
As if entering high school wasn't tough enough. Teens today are now facing more complex and intense pressures than most have before. While balancing changing hormones, new course load stresses, increased mental health challenges, teens are trying to find balance amongst social media pressures, navigating changing body image and esteem, understand their mental, emotion, and sexual identities, amongst much more. The challenges teens are facing today are constantly evolving, becoming increasingly nuanced and can be isolating. Many teens struggle to open up with their parents about all of the concerns they are experiencing.
You are not a failure as a parent if your child needs professional help.
Many teens struggle to open up with their parents about all of the concerns they are experiencing, which may make parents feel helpless and shut out. It can be challenging to know what is normal teen struggles and what is legitimately concerning. If you're here, I imagine your gut is telling you something is wrong. At CW Therapy, we believe that mental health is just as important as physical health, and want you to know there is no shame in getting therapeutic support for your teen. Our team of therapists will work with you and your teen to develop a personalized plan to help your teen get back to the business of being a normal teen (whatever that means).
Addressing mental health challenges and developing healthy self-esteem and self-care habits from a young age can help teens manage future life stressors and create resilience. Mental, emotional, and behavioural disorders in childhood can cause long-term problems that may affect the health and well-being of children, families, and communities. Treating a child’s mental health problems as soon as possible can help children reduce problems at home, in school, and in forming friendships. It can also help with healthy development into adulthood.
We understand that it takes time to build trust with teens, so the early stages of therapy usually involves asking a lot of questions about their personal life, family, school, and hobbies. Later stages of therapy can include worksheets and skills from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) or Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (CBT) to help with managing thoughts, feelings, and behaviours, and increasing healthy coping skills. Our services are designed to help your teen develop healthy coping skills and build resilience.
Signs of mental health struggles in teens
You should be concerned and seek professional help if your child:
Difficulty concentrating and drastic changes in academic performance
Drastic changes in mood, behaviour or personality
Has problems in multiple areas of life, such as family relationships, school, leisure activities and friendships
Starts feeling bad about themselves, reduced confidence
Shows excessive worry about the future
Expresses hopelessness
Withdraws from family, friends or activities they used to enjoy
Not wanting to go to school
Has a significant change in sleep habits or appetite
Engages in negative outbursts more frequently, shows extreme irritability
Frequent headaches and stomachaches
Has repetitive, self-destructive behaviours such as hair pulling or skin-picking
Talks about or engages in self-harm
Makes comments like “I wish I weren’t here,” or “Nobody would care if I ran away”
Talks about death or suicide.
When it comes to therapy, you always have options.
We can discuss options that include:​
Sessions with both your parent and teen present
Sessions with just the teen and therapist
Having the parent attend the last 15 minutes to discuss what tools and skills the teen is working on
Teen therapy is offered in Burlington, Oakville, and Georgetown. Virtual sessions are also offered for all residents of Ontario.